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Baby, you're mine ♥

Thursday, February 18, 2010 ♥
Tags Replied ! xD ♥ 6:39 PM

Heyhey people ! Not gonna post often alrights ? Busy .. I'm here to reply tags !

Nicole: Tags hamster <: Hearts you, <3
- Thanks for th tag hamster ! Hearts ya too ! <3

Stephanie: Ello , PS , didnt tag liaos , busy :O
- Hello ! Lols ! Thanks fer th tag ! Good luck yea ?

Nicole: Tags ;)
- Hey ! Thanks for th tag .. (:

Tiffany: Hello Emlyn!!Btw,taggies.
- Hello . Thanks for th tag !

Nicole: Tagged!
- Lols , Tagged me so many tymes , but I didnt reply .. Thanks ! <3

Nikhol: Heyy Clowny ,changed blog url again le. Sorry ! Tagged. Link me upss.
- Heyy ! Again ? o.o Thanks ! Suresure , soon ! XD

Nicole: Tags.
-Thanks . (:

Deneen: tagged
-Hey ! Thanks alot ! ;)

Nicole: Hey! Tags <: Luvs my hamster, haha
- Hey , Thanks alot uh . Lurve ya too ! <3

Deneen: tagged!!! ;)
- Thanks !! xD

zakiah. (:: hey, tagged :) happy cny :D
- Heyy ! Thanks . Happy Chinese New Year to you too (:

meihui: i support u make sure u win trudt and alvina
- Thanks , But now we ain't fighting anymore .. No need to win or whatever ...

Nicole: Hamster! Tags
- Thanks Hamster ! You are th most famous tagger in my cbox !! Hahas !! <3

---------------End of replying of tags--------------
So , yea , end of replying of tags uh .. Good luck everyone ! Take care ! Dun get sick like me ! (:

Friday, January 22, 2010 ♥
♥ 8:22 PM

Hi guys, sorry for not posting for sooo long.. Busy alrights? PSLE this year le, must work hard..Just to tell you guys 1 short story, Now so called having fight with Trudy and Alvina (Si Ying) I'm gettin soooo pissed off by them.. That day, Alvina never ask for my permission and snatch away my pencil case, *angry* so took her wallet, she snatch it back, *still angry* then i saw her hp, i took it.. then she hit me like siao then i put down.. then I shout at her to return me my pencil case, she did, but instead of passing to me, she threw it... ANGRY!!! Then she say lots of bad things about me..Then i'm really angry liao, so i settled myself with a book, #1. In the 1st place, I didnt noe tht the book is quite disgusting, its a true story, but inside have something about sexually abused.. But the disgusting part is at the back, I'm reading the front, then suddenly, Trudy told alvina something like tht "eh, emlyn very engrossed with the book." then alvina shout out " ya lor, she PERVERT mahh" My head was on fire, I cried in my heart, i close the book, dump it into my bag, slam the table and stand up and stare at her.. she glare at me, i also do tht back to her, i went out.. Then when i come in, i sit there and took out my spelling list , I learning the words when I think joel came in, he sat at the blue table at the corner.. Then, he turn to look at something(idk what thing) then alvina said what? he turned again, then I heard alvina whispering to trudy saying, " he looking at emlyn" (something like tht) walao, I'm damn pissed off!!!!!!!!! then when alvina about to go home, before she left she said "petty" in chinese.. I noe she was referring to me.. -.- But is tht called petty? she did so many bad things!!!! in my heart i called her an idiot.. I scream in my heart.. Then the next day, went t school, whole day didnt talk to alvina, thn i told trudy i was angry with alvina not her or cy.. then during PE lessons, alvina cried, I ask trudy what happened, she said she dont noe, maybe cuz of me... !!!! angry! i said : nvm, i can spread about ron liking her.. then trudy say " too bad, ron like you also!!! then i was fuming, ron dont like me! the one he like is alvina!!!!!!!! then i say dun have lar, then trudy say , have lor have lor! then i angry, whole day ignore trudy aft tht, heard from deneen and jia ying tht they say bad things about me.. They said i yesterday angry like siao, and yet today talk to THEM.. THEM?!!! i only talk to trudy, not the fucking bitch! walao lor, please lar, tell her to dig her ears pls.. then when i walking down to the canteen, saw her and trudy walking up the stairs, i walk past them, rolled my eyes, then they point at me and said something, aft they gone, i say to myself , bitches walking past me just now.. Then recess, they provoke me, then i cant take it anymore, so i cried.. Then during recess, evangel asked jia ying why i cried, walao lor, busybody lar! dun wan be friends with me and jia ying still care for what? asshole lars! heeng jia ying helped me, she replied : dont tell you.. I am so glad tht i still have friends tht will comfort me.. not like those bitches... cy sent me 1 message today, it made me laugh, I'm really very greatful to them.. They may be saying their own story behind my back, but, nvm, as long as i'm myself, its alright (:

Friday, November 27, 2009 ♥
♥ 6:43 AM

sorry for not updating blog for so long, cuz busy playing, lols. wednesday went t watch 2012, very touching, highly recommended to watch.. highly detailed too. after tht went to pasir ris park.. fun! it had been ages since i sat on a swing.. lols! 2day, no student care, half happy, half sad.. lol! gtg, byes =D

Saturday, November 21, 2009 ♥
Somebody, stop hurting people's feelings lah! ♥ 2:49 AM

Hello readers.. strting to get pissed off by somebody.. hates me and dun friend me, but dun dare say.. After Trudy joined student care, you seems to treat her better than all of us... Is she that important? why are you so unfair? Dont say i never tell you, not only me is getting pissed off, almost everybody in student care strt to be pissed off... You are like so unfair to all of us.. dun friend then dun friend la... we dun care okays? I dun wan to mention the somebody's name. cuz, to us, she no longer existed.. Somebody, If you read this post, please come and tell all of us you dun fren la... no courage is it? Call trudy help you say la.. Thought you liked her so much? just wanna say to you : stop hurting other people's feelings! Since you so obedient in front of trudy, and not in front of us, we really got nothing to say.. act how much you want, nobody will stop you, cuz you no longer existed in our world.. Unless you say sorry to us, we are going to treat you invisible... we strting to get so pissed off by you only..

okay, sorry guys about those emo things.. just cant stand her.. anyways, 1more week to my burfday =D hahas! very sian these few days.. oh ya, 5A got in 2nd for tchouk ball! 5C for 1st position, 5B for 4th.. congrats to all of them =D allof them did well *claps*well, gtg byes.

What happened? I thought we were all good frens...
After Trudy joined, you had changed..
What happened? why? i am not going to regret.
If you think you chose the correct path,
theres no way stopping you.

Sunday, November 15, 2009 ♥
Photos ♥ 6:07 AM

Hello guys, not really have much time to post.. just posting pictures in student care... all of them played with bunny..
somemore go hang it on the window grill.. lols! poor bunny...gt back report book, not very good =( still got Statue of bunny sia.. hahas! gtg byes =) pictures not in order ;D

Sunday, November 8, 2009 ♥
♥ 4:02 AM

Hello guys, 2day hang out with frens at escape theme park... Mei Han, Charlotte , Anita , silvia and derek... derek only guy, hahas... cuz charlotte bro mahh... serve hjim right.. hahs, went to escape theme park, while waiting for anita, suddenly drizzle...thn charlotte's mum help us buy ticket... in the end we pay her back.. hahas.. thn anita arrived... Went in, played haunted house, scary sia... when went passed the dead things, they suddenly moved... thn 1 part damn dark, cannot see anything... after tht, went to sit on viking... almost vomitted... sat beside charlotte, she scream like mad.. lols.. i gonna be deaf sia.. after tht, went to play wet and wild... i sit behind while mei han sit infront... SPLASH! i damn wet sia... thn played family coaster... backache.. lols... keep shaking... hit our back.. hahas... thn the rail too low.. almost hit my head.. thn played viking agn... seems like viking very fun.. thn play kite flyer, lower primarys called it yakult.. lols.. so hot, me and mei han never take.. thn charlotte =p when i takephoto of her... cant upload photo nia.. =( but the photo funny sia.. thn went burger king.. ate... thn anita and silvia go play viking agn!!! then me,charlotte,mei han and derek go E!HUB.. went to see bowling.. but all full... boh lane.. thn went up to play arcade.. on the way up, saw a very nice bag... wanted to buy it... so called my parents, thn agreed.. sobought it at $28.. actually is $29 thn auntie gave me discount =D thn went to play in arcade.. saw love and berry machines... but $1.50 sia.. but bo bian, go play 6 times.. hahas... thn silvia called, saying anita lost her brand new hp... thn they find.. we suggested burger king or kena stolen by people... Tried calling her hp, but its switched off.. thn they went to burger king find, found it at last.. thn we played arcade... so funny, actually wanted neoprint, but $10 ... expensive..lols..thn 1 by 1 went home.. left me,charlotte and derek... charlotte's parents went see movie, so we stayed in arcade.. derek playedhis animal kaiser once only.. lols! thn charlotte's parents sent me home... =D thanks a lot ;D thn went home strted to play comp.. hahs! so fun.. sorry, no pics, cant upload, i promised to upload when canns. =D

Thursday, November 5, 2009 ♥
♥ 2:58 AM

Hello guys, im back. After so many months of effort, exams finally over!!! 2day went to celebrate exams over... went tampines mart mcdonald. saw hamster there =D got the monopoly thing... hahas. thn went back student care... played muderer and can play hp... SO HAPPY!!! 1st time teacher allow us to play handphone in student care when there is alot of pupils...played like siao... went home... strted blogging... so many people online on msn.. hahas, bye...

Saturday, October 17, 2009 ♥
♥ 8:09 PM

Hello guys, shortpost... currently finding gans =)
Consider being one of the following,

PreciousStephanie =)
sweetycandy hannah =)
Clowny Nikhol =)
LovebirdKimberly Lim =)

If you want to be one of them, please tag at my tagboard =)

Gtg, need to study for exams... Bye.

Saturday, October 10, 2009 ♥
♥ 9:03 PM

Hello guys, only can online for a short while... Exams difficult nia. Evryday study arnd 5 hrs ... but got rest lah... haha... after studying still need do assesment. and anws, Higher chinese damn diffi lorh. I guess i fail liaos... and anws my eng situational writing i know i will get 2 marks deducted alrdy. =( suddenly blackout worhhs. dunno whad to do. haiiiz... anws, science D.E. got 23... quite easy mahh.. Its my english and higher mother tongue!!! I think gonna fail for these 2 subjects. =( haiiz... alotthings happened these few days... no time topost haha. oh ya, last week higher mother tongue on wed mahh... thn i go 3rd level with kimberly... thn giovinna tell me to throw down my green tea to the 2nd level... I threew... she caught it and gave to qianlin... thn she told kim to throw down her 100+ down.... she abt to throw tht time.... qian lin accidently threw my green tea down...my green tea! it exploded!!! haiiz... cleaned up... tiring manz... thn bought another green tea... chinese clas.... naggy... played the soccer with the boys... haha... yesterday went to help my mum to work... got $10 as a reward =) hehe... gtg and study, bu-aiies..

Saturday, October 3, 2009 ♥
♥ 10:11 PM

Hello readers. Exams are round the corner, So I wont be updating these few weeks. You must wait until exams are over thn I will update. I promise kays? I going to post abt these few days...

3rd October 2009 ( saturday)
Went student care... played.. thn went back home, mum brought us to her shop... I helped her and got $10 as a reward =D My 2 bro went to play lantern, end up playing fire... They burnt everything They could find... I saw it thn go use the lantern and beat the fire... I step on the fire too... The heat was damn unberable... Quickly step and usae lantern to beat... Bro stopped me.. But I kept on beating, fire keep getting bigger and bigger... Used my water bottle to spray at the fire... Finally, The fire was put out... Bro very angry, kept on stepping my leg..

4th october 2009 ( Sunday)
Woke up and wished some1 happy birthday.. Havent reply me yet but nvm. Going for badminton later on at 3.30 ... Hoping some1 would join us... blahs blahs blahs... nothing to do.. sian... Found out this would be the last post before exams.... alrdy know my chinese listening results.. I thought I got damn lot questions wrong.. but, got full marks. =D damn happy... My class only I got full marks.. damn happy seh.. But this time round, exams will be very difficult.. Study now! Its not too late.. Bye guys. Last time blogging before SA2. Study hard.. Jiayouus.

Th Final Goodbye's here.


Thursday, October 1, 2009 ♥
♥ 4:37 AM

Hello Guys, quite a number of things to blog cause quite a long time never play com... firstly, I would like to wish every1 a HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY! Damn happy seh! Yesterday celebrated children's day and today agn can celebrate!

Went to school... thn see concert... Found out Mr Choo was the auntie koropok ... LOL! damn funny man! thn Mr Colin was the ghost lulu haha! Damn funny seh, when the video clip say Mr choo was the Auntie Koropok, the boys behind us kept laughing... oh ya, The day b4 got bat! thn keep flying here and there... Thn It was just flying behind my class only lorh... Thn Mdm seah jumped up lol! Funny... thn the bat stopped and rest.. Thn when we celebrating the concert, the bat dropped down seh... The p4s all shout... walao eh! scary! thn every1 crowd arnd it... I was looking at it thn suddenly drop down.. .scary nia! Thn Mr Toh go pick it up... eee! Thn went back class... thn Mr Choo gave out children's day present thn went for recess.... Makan session with 5C... thn Mr choo bought 12 pizza and 5 bottles of pepsi... I saw him took out $100 nia... damn exp... worse, we never even contribute any money... thn went back class, go for mother tongue, then got presents agn.. thn changed into PE.. 5C also changed... thn went to hall, they alrdy there assembly =.= so went to check comp lab.. also cannot.. so went back class, played blind mice.. Damn Funny nia! thn Jeriel walk and bang into the wall! LOL! Si Ying keep banging the table.. LOL! fun sia... I kept dodging.. Got higher chinese so stayed back.. Children's day still got higher chinese... sianz sia.. thn went back centre... Tuition with tht sucker teacher... went home =)

Woke up, Do assesment, Jamie See called me... asked for hong hui's number.. went centre.. found out tht got party... seperated frm the p5s =( thn played.. suddenly teacher let us eat so gd food... thn got marshmellow all tht... ate lollipop too =) thn ate pancake, agar agar and ice-cream =D thn we kept playing.. .got goodie bag worhhs.. played london bridge is falling down.. fun nia.. played Untangle too.. Kanna sabo by the guys.. thn all went home, played truth or dare... sabo agn.. =( so fun nia... thn came home played comp... Comp stucked =(

so happy and once agn, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009 ♥
♥ 4:04 AM

Hello guys, alot days never post liao! LOL! sian sia...I starting off with 20th Sept, cause i only can remember the things for tht day....

20th September Sunday
Tht day, no badminton, Timothy's birthday, I was inviter =) thn meet at same place, Mcdonald... Thn brought $10 to buy birthday present for tim... bought a transformer pencil case fer him... thn went to their house..., gt goodie bag... thn play comp... thn go eat... so funny lorh... I look at you, you look at me... thn after eating lunch, went back to play games agn... I won a snow globe cuz I used a pair of chopsticks to pick up 4 marbles in a bowl withnin 1 min.. haha! Disney snow globe =) thn went to play hide-and-seek... So fun sia! thn after tht go down stairs and played some game... nt really sort of playing, mayb exercising.. LOL! then i go climb 2 bars and go turn upside down... handphone kept dropping.. thn go back... after tht, sent jing wen and shao yang home.... thn straight away go tampines mart's KFC and ate dinner... by the time i go back to tim's house is 9.00 thn went home... Charlotte kanna by her mum =( haha! thn I went home, played comp... Pai sehh, no time update tht time =P

21th September Monday
Went to school as pernormal .... =)

22th september Tuesday
went to school as pernormal but got tuition... =)

23th september Wednesday
Went to school as pernormal but got higher mother tongue =( thn played catching with cher.. haha! thn went play crocodile... Sabo ron... hehe! thn go back centre for tht stupid tuition with tht sucker teacher... anyhow say me and felicia copy each other's answer...! CB lah her! tell her go hell lorh! thn P6 come in, XY and charlotte saw the sunglasses on her head and say :" teacher, in this room no sun horh" then tht sucker teacher stupid sia! dunno what we saying! LOL!

24th september Thursday
Went to school, do art... thn went back centre... play all daay.... thn went home... sms and some1 smsed me something and made me damn happy sia! OMG! i cant believe tht sia!

25th september Friday
Went to school, got tht singing... Mr teo scold... Jing wen frm 5C vomitted and fainted... so poor thing sia.... thn went back class, go for PE play mini tennis =X haha! quite fun luhhs.. thn go back class read a book called My Story... thn PUT INSIDE MY BAG! thn go for chinese class, thn go science exploria... thn come out quite late... someone seems to be avoiding me sia... and never talked to me all day... haiiz... nvm... thn go back centre, found out My Story gone!!!!!! thts Trudy 1 sia! thn went back school go find... cant find =( I asked trudy, she say in her bag sia! what the! thn i put inside my bag what, knew someone swop it... and i think i know who is it... walao, made me damn anxious... thn tuition... haha! thn alvina keep sending me letters =) thn tuition over... sms here and there.. HAHA! thn ron caught me smsing lorh... zzz.. thn go first room, enjoy aircon for 10 sec thn go home... thn after coming home, thn play comp.... got sore throat =( LOL! gtg byes =)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 ♥

Hello guys, something scary just happened just now... at 7.40 ... my bro kanna stucked in the lift... haha... he considereed lucky lorh... got adult beside him... It happened like this... I had a fight with him earlier larhs... thn he go to buy things and took the key... thn after 10 minutes, he havent come back, thn me, my another bro and my maid keep finding extra key... thn i also cannot seee which level is the lift stucked, so i go use a mirror to see... Then i saw the arrow stopped, it stopped at level 5... thn my maid and I keep hearing the alarm... thn called my mum, my dad and even samantha... cause she is the only person the phone number i have in my blk... thn i waited for like 30 minutes, he stil havent come out... thn i told charlotte sia... thn 45 minutes later, he came out... thn me and my bro keep asking him questions... stupid bro larhsss! go buy things fer no reason sia... dumb ass larh him... every1 was so worried abt him thn he come back never say sorry or whateva thn keep scolding us say why keep telling him we worry... walao... I playing com half way thn suddenly i heard the lift alarm... wanted to help him then he go scold people... where got like this 1? aiya, anws, he safely come back can liao... so good lorh he, can experience trapping in a lift... haizzz, he sweating like mad now sia... oh ya, go back to my normal daily life.... went school 2day.. thn when go recess, LIM ZHI WEI keep chasing after evangel sia... thn evangel keep calling mr choo... thn she dont want to back out 1 leh... thn assembly, me and deneen go tell mr choo thn mr choo go find zhi wei while evangel in class crying... thn mr choo come back then say " Tht side, zhi wei cry, this side evangel cry, how to solve the problem? I cry?" lol! thn every1 laugh sia... aiya ying ying 2day never come... sianzzz la... thn went back student care got tuition lorh, boring sia... aiya.... becuz of lim zhi wei and my bro spoilt my mood today nia... gtg byes...

Sunday, September 13, 2009 ♥
♥ 4:02 AM

Hello readers. Went badminton 2day... haha... thn go fitness corner play thn i think shout too loud or what, got 1 man, half naked below mei hui house keep looking and staring at us... haha! thn mei hui scared, call us go badminton court play... thn frm badminton become play volleyballl... thn 5.30 went home... passed by tampines mart... haha! thn go home play and chat... just helped mei hui update her blog, changed her blogskin too... haha! sian luhhs... currently chatting withh 美慧 haha...美慧 is mei hui... bored sia... school gonna reopen 2morrow, need bring thermometer horh! gtg, byes...

Saturday, September 12, 2009 ♥
♥ 7:05 AM

Hello guys, 2day went student care, thn saw charlene... oh ya! yesterday 4got to tell you guys something... charlene say she like jeremy most... haha! thn 2day charlene say she dun like zhong kang... haha! thn mei hui eat chewing gum and threw it out side ... thn stuck on the window... used paper pushed it down... thn stucked agn... thn play here play there.. ate lunch at 12... thn played muderer... thn i go home... thn i go back and go push it down... lol! sian luhhs... went sim lim tower and square... smsed... thn go parkway arcade... bro lost phone, thn found back... played love and berry agn... addicted liao... haha! 101 cards... broke student care's record... haha! currently chatting with charlotte and ron... chat chat chat, scarily become little miss chatterbox... haha! ate cup noodles for dinner, no $$ bohbianzzz ... haha! gtg byes!

Friday, September 11, 2009 ♥
♥ 8:36 AM

Hello guys, went to student care... thn go 1st room... the lower primary damn irritating sia... thn avina also come in... traded love and berry cards with alicia... thn went 2nd room... traded agn... thn play muderer... thn pregnant... its a game horh.. thn kanna forced by alvina... traded agn... thn play games... cooking lesson also dun have, cause the pan duno what happened... haha! chatting with charlotte... gtg byes...

Thursday, September 10, 2009 ♥
♥ 6:02 AM

Hello guys, havent post for 2 days, haha! 2day gonna post... haha!

Woke up, bathe and ate breakfast... thn set off to Malaysia ; JB... took a very long journey there... went to JUSCO and do my shoppin... played love and berry 19 times... exp. sia... RM3 per card... haha! wasted RM74 tht means singapore $30 plus... lol! i ki siao liao... went to Gian do shoppin agn haha! thn went city plaza... nothing to shop thn go another shopping mall, 4got the name liao... haha! thn bought clothes... haha! thn went back singapore.... At Gian tht time, went past a shop who sells pirated things... ex. love and berry album and cards... thn bought 2 packet of the cards and 1 album exp. too... 1 packet of card(12 cards)- RM4.90 1 album- RM 16.90
damn exp... haha! So happy never go student care.. lol! alot things happened in student care yesterday... but heeng i never go... especially 1 thing... Ron's birthday... haha! heeng never go arh... if not everything must listen to him...

Woke up, bathe and just straight away set off to school for badminton.. saw mei hui playing volleyball... thn go up to hall.. started to play badminton... thn asked kelly to join me and sheri... played until damn tired... thn Mr Choo go shout at Nicholas Foo, dunno for what reasons, he rude to him mahh... thn tht time, me, hong hui,kelly and sheri go rest... thn Mr Choo come back faster pretend to play haha! thn kelly keep smacking... thn i very giddy and tired... although i won the game.. .but damn tired siol... thn went back centre and go 1st room... Alvina and Mei Hui took my love and berry cards and ran through it... thn go 2nd room as got maths tuition at 1pm... thn all sabo me agn... only me and jordon wearing black in thhe whole centre... >.< why always like tht 1? thn made me sit beside, beside him... between us got 1 space la... stupid ron, go tell him move closer... thn ate fast fast haha! thn go in 2nd room... waited for alvina and played muderer... wink here wink there... keep getting muderer sia....haha! thn alvina say jordon like the gabriella as the UNO card is high school musical 1 mahh.. and he just nice got Gabriella's card... thn go give me troy's card... say wat we 2 2day perfect match... lol! thn teacher bee eating her chicken rice we playing muderer... thn teacher come in, we stil continue play haha! 2day teacher bee tuition damn boring but fun... only do all the corrections in out maths book... thn teacher gave us the sweet named ZOUR... i dun like it sia... damn sour... tried 1 and almost vomitted..thn left 2 mahh, boys keep asking frm me... thn i gave to CY haha! too bad! thn boys very noisy, teacher tot is girls... go scold us... thn teacher susan keep giving me work... she say correction for the 2 topics only... every1 heard it.. .thn i passed to her... she say is the whole book's correction F her la! stupid teacher...lanjiao la! say already go back own work, what kind of teacher is this? sorry luhhs, i very valguar 1 haha! thn went 1st room... tired sia.. thn went home... bro keep asking me to bring him to 7-eleven... bring lorh... just came back... haha! gtg bye =)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 ♥
♥ 6:37 AM

Hello guys, went centre as pernormal... thn janice keep flirting with derek and kenny... haha! thn mei hui come back frm sch... she do art lorh, i also help her... thn got 1 k2 girl named charlene came in... teacher susan help her do art also... lol! thn tuition... after tuition, go multi purpose, thn tht girl and amanda there... thn when i was abt to go in multi purpose, the p6 boys who came out all say " come out better!" then me and felicia go in th room... thn said hello to amanda.... thn amanda and charlene played tic-tac-toe, the tictac toe 2 rows only... lol! thn amanda guide her go toilet... thn amanda haven come back, charlene go take out markers frm amanda's bag.. lol! then amanda tell me tht charlene just now go lick davin's foot and licked syaqui's butt ... lol, dunno how to spell his name... then amanda go home, teacher go out... thn left me, felicia, charlene, glennard, jordon,ron and jackson... then jordon go eat centre's tea... then charlene suddenly crawl on the floor and go near jackson... jackson show his slippers infront of her... then she keep looking... then jackson put it on the floor and wear it back, then charlene go crawl there and keep touching it...lol! thn the boys all protect themselves... thn jordon come in and everyone tell him what happened... then charlene suddenly likt tht " MUAKZ!" then every1 shocked... then she go write love letter... then go to give the p6 boys... lol! thn she keep writing love letter...lol! thn she keep muakz muakz muakz... all the p5 boys scared of her... thn she keep looking at ron and jordon... then ron and jordon go use their bags to cover themselves... thn all the boys using their books to cover their faces... haha! thn teacher called kenrick in... then charlene keep muakz muakz muakz mahh... then he keep laughing thn everyboys covering their faces except kenrick then he laugh very loud then charlene go look at him... then he use his hands go cover his face! ROFL! thn me and felicia keep laughing...thn jackson and glennard go out... thn we walk pass them keep laughing thn they 2 think we xiao already... thn i go library laughing like mad... thn me and felicia roll on the floor sia... thn we try act normal... thn when we go out, we saw charlene agn... then we faster walk past her... thn go in multi purpose.. we kisiao liao... lol! thn she eat bread and keep opening and close the door, thn ron and jordon keep calling her to shut up... lol! then ron go to th door, like going to beat her up.. thn she faster run away... haha! thn me and felicia go 1st room thn we tell janice and mandy everything... they also say charlene lol! they say kenrick behind charlene then charlene wearing dress, then she lie down in front kenrick and lift her leg very high sia... thn kenrick saw her ..... lol! me and felicia also... she very funny sia... 1st day in student care thn kanna by so many people... haha! thn i go home, teacher sussan call me mandy =.= do i look like mandy? okay, sort off but i taller and nver wear specs... lol! chatting now... msning haha! 2morrow going JB... ,mayb playing love and berry haha! thn 2morrow ron's birthday.... haha! heeng never go centre.. .haha! i also mayb going luhh... duno going anot... picture abt charlotte smsing heremy haha! haha! gtg bye =)

Sunday, September 6, 2009 ♥
♥ 5:53 AM

Hello guys, today went for badminton... 2day charlotte sick mahhh, so she never go badminton... then we play play play... thn i keep dropping my hp... fun sia... then janice go kiss her badminton racket... lol!thn from badminton we go play the wallet game... now become the orange ball game. haha! keep running sia... dropped my hp 2 times sia... thn walked to Tampines Mart with Xin Ying... then when walked pass Mcdonald's tht time , saw jackson eating with his family... thn went to 7-eleven... thn wenyu there... thn when we come out, wenyu suddenly shout "SHIT!" and ran pass me... i shocked sia... thn Xin Ying say elephant running past me... lol? cannot say here like tht larhs...haha... went home and chat.. lol! gtg bye

Saturday, September 5, 2009 ♥
♥ 6:11 AM

Hi guys, these few days i am soooooooooooooo bored! nothing to do luhhs... yesterday tuition... siao la... teacher bee class always damn boring 1... then 2day went student care, trade love and berry card... zzz...sian sian sian! boring boring boring! nth to do... lol! chatting with gan gan(Megan) haha... byes :)

Emlyn ♥
♥ The Lover.

Emlyn Tan Qinlyn
Ema is known to most people.
One year older on every November 29th!

A very random & hyper girl who
is a CrazyLover of WinnieThePooh ♥

Music is definitely part of her.
Singing is her passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stairs to UFO
You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

Hover here for tagboard!

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

is what she adores most.
They are her SuperGirlf.

Winnie the pooh
Pooh bear makes her go crazy!!
(they're way too cute!)

Chatting with friends and watching TV
are part of her favourites.

Shopping sprees
with her girlfriends are times when they
can crap together.

When she's out with her Supergirlfs or
when she has nothing to do at home.

is her choice chocolate.
More sweetness, less bitterness please (:

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- New Hp! iPhone ! ((:
- Get over you Yeah !!
- Winnie The pooh soft toy!
- More hang-outs with friends! ♥
- New pencil case MYUK pencil case !!
- 150cm tall! Yeah ! 152cm !!
- 250++ for PSLE!
- Neoprints with friends!
- Own personal computer!
- Pay more attention in class!
- Him

Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings

Qian Lin!
Ron -.-
Jin Fei!
Jia Ying!

Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` August 2009 ` September 2009 ` October 2009 ` November 2009 ` January 2010 ` February 2010
♥ Designer

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